Elephant Girl: A Human Story


I read this is one night… being an insomniac that isnt as amazing as it sounds…

I found this to be exactly what I needed in my life at the time…

Sad to say that most of it was because I identified so much with almost all of it…

What I found the most engaging were the sections that talked about how she processes thoughts and feelings, and explaining how she was able to make it through each event, file it away and face the next challenge…

 There are layers in this world: inside, outside, near and far, and hundreds of spaces in-between, and it seems to me that which layers any person might occupy is not solely a matter of choice. We are more like chains than islands. Our lives are not determined just by our own minds and acts, but by every mind and act we have ever known.
These two excerpts… above and below are the closest I have ever heard another human being describe what goes on in my head… how I process thought… How I watch… and wait… and experience life… It moved me.
I take note of curved spines and scuffed shoes, work-worn hands, half-told stories, short pauses, hesitant voices, angry edges, distracted eyes and everything opposite. Such watchfulness is exhausting and yet it’s every bit as much a part of me as my own marrow—it is inseparable from either my bones or my being. I could no more stop being vigilant than I could stop seeing.

This is not a light hearted Novel… This is gritty gut wretching truth spilled into pages …

I LOVED this book… You have no idea how much…. You will be a better person for having read it 🙂