Can I just… No… No… for the love of all that is holy

mama kats Write a poem inspired by the last conversation you had with your child

I slide out from behind the wheel… I think I am going to be ill…

He gets in & adjusts the seat … His expression makes it clear he thinks this is neat!

I buckle in tight … the inside of my cheek I begin to bite!

He puts the vehicle into gear… and smiles to himself over my fear.

Out onto the road he drives… I think I am breaking out in hives.

The first stop sign is not far… I almost go through the windshield of the car.


Im screaming and I know it… it was only yesterday he got his first zit!


He begins to get a feel for the road… he is in now in driving mode

I let him park in the driveway… that was enough for one day!

“Mom you are the best!” … He smiled and beamed with pride.

“Son, Let’s give driving a rest”… That was the day I almost died.


2015-01-26 18.52.13

16 comments on “Can I just… No… No… for the love of all that is holy

  1. Jen

    I wonder if driving lessons give all parents heart attacks lol! My mom, who drove a big rig for decades and who taught others how to drive them, refused to teach me. It was 2 weeks before I turned 16 before a friend’s dad took the situation in hand and gave me my first lesson. Then Mom took me out after that…on to the interstate…and the yelling caused an accident. I was traumatized and said I was never going to drive on the highway again. Unfortunately for me, we lived in the sticks and to get anywhere, I was getting on the highway LOL!

    Now she prefers to let me drive – I’m calmer than she is and she likes to pay attention to the scenery.

    1. Kerry

      Bahahaha! okay seriously! I am leaving the highway driving to a paid instructor… We were in a below 25 mph neighborhood!

  2. kelley

    that was wonderful. I think it is amazing how every stage of a child’s life is an adventure.

    1. Kerry

      LOL! Thanks for reading! He is definitely an adventure.

  3. Sarah

    Oh, Lordy, that’s a terrifying image. Several years from that, at least.

    1. Kerry

      Bahahaha! enjoy your sanity until then 🙂

  4. Allyson Brandt

    I can laugh at this because my son is only 4. My day will come one day…

    1. Kerry

      Faster than you can imagine … It comes! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Jay

    Wow, your poem had my heart pounding… Just a few years before I have to start teaching my oldest child. Eeeep!

    1. Kerry

      Lol my kiddo is awesome… But man I miss my baby.

  6. Candace

    Love it! My oldest just got her permit, so I feel this. 🙂

    1. Kerry

      We will go grey together!

  7. Kat

    I’m not ready. I’M NOT READY!!!

    1. Kerry

      ME EITHER!

  8. Dyanne @ I Want Backsies

    I’m so in love with this poem! My son is 19 and my daughter is turning 16 this week and taking her driver’s test. Oh, how I wish they still had driver’s ed in schools! Or maybe we should trade driving lessons with our friends and their kids? I would probably be calmer with someone else’s kid in the car than I am with my own.

    1. Kerry

      Oh totally! Or… I would do better letting my son drive someone elses car! LOL