Dear Miss Bee

Dear Miss Bee,

I am writing this on your birthday as per my blogging tradition to let you know that despite how it may sometimes seem, there are many things that are wonderful about you. I am so fucking lucky to have you as my daughter and am in awe as I watch you grow into a young lady. So even when I get frustrated and angry with you, it doesn’t change the fact that I love you with all my heart. Hold on to this letter and read it anytime you feel sad, angry or like you can’t do anything right… or that you will never make it Adulting… We all sometimes feel like that, but it’s usually up to us to do something about it.

What I think is wonderful about YOU:

1. Your joyful laugh. The real laugh… not the maniacal witchy laugh you do at the end of your show on nickelodeon.

2. Your determination to teach yourself new things. Sometimes you give up on things if you cannot do them perfectly at first… and then you met the cartwheel and backbend… I have watched you practice and practice… instead of deciding you hate cartwheels. Good Job!

3. Your thirst for knowledge and your ability to retain it. You want to know everything about everything… sometimes this gets interpreted at being nosey… but I really do believe you want to know what is going on in the world and what adults are talking about.

4. Your fearlessness…. this will shock you because I get frustrated when you are afraid of potatoes… but your fearlessness in expressing yourself is amazing.

5. Your creativity. This requires no explanation.

6. Your (corny) sense of humor. Even if it is only funny once.

7. The way you take care of your siblings and nephews… Thank you for loving my boys (Old and Young) so much.

8. Your commitment to doing well in school. You really care about turning in good work and being on your best behavior for the teacher. I love that.

9. Your ability to feel empathy when someone is hurting. When my bones are broken… or someone loses someone… you really have learned to put yourself in their shoes and try to do what makes it best for that person. I am so proud of you.

10. Your smile that lights up your face… and Fairy Door Adventures!

11. Your gift for art and culture. Your Paintings and love of mine.

12. Your singing (You have a BEAUTIFUL voice… even if I constantly tell you to stop singing)

13. Your ability to remind me to have fun… on more than one occasion you have reminded me that its okay to have a little extra sugar… get a little silly in public… and talk endlessly.

14. The way you can make friends and carry on a conversation with anyone… Especially cashiers at grocery stores… I love our theatrics.

15. Your cooking (errr…eggs… I love that you are learning so much).

16. Your silliness.

17. Your writing (stories).

18. Your Videos… even if I dont want to watch them more than once. You have such a creative mind… and the best ability for storytelling.

19. The way you dance everywhere through life.

20. Your ability to make and sell whatever you put your mind to. There has never been a more honest statement… you could sell icecubes to penguins with your mad negotiation skills

21. How you tell me about your day and your friends.

22. Your LOVE.

 Happy Birthday my amazing angel girl! I hope that in life our relationship continues to let me protect you and guide you as you become older and more independent. You’re daddy is the greatest man I know… I am grateful for him everyday for bringing me you.


Your Kerry

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