However Tenuous the Connection….


The Light and Shade Challenge 

The Challenge is to take whatever is sparked by the picture and/or the quotation, however tenuous or remote the connection, and see how much fun you can have in 500 words.


However Tenuous and Remote the connection…. When I looked at this image I saw a doorway to another place and time…. Archways often feel this way to me… Another thought sparked is Street Artists… The spray paint on the walls remind me of this…. the charm of the cobble stone street… the age of the trees…. the stone retaining wall…. everything about it is stark and with the lighting of the sky… quite dismal…. But somewhere under those ages trees and fallen leave is some magic… a portal to another world…

Here in my neck of the woods…. and well… Ive been shipping them all over (Even internationally) I have started a street art project… and honestly… its why I havent been writing… Just til sprinkler season 🙂 On instagram using the hashtag #FairyCity you will find these little reminders that magic does exist… and the smallest of gestures can change the world in big ways…. and that the world is not always dreary as it seems….

Thank you to my friends at the light and shade blog…. I love the prompts… Im sorry I havent been participating… but I have been watching and reading… while painting 🙂


One comment on “However Tenuous the Connection….

  1. Lyssa Medana

    I am so glad you posted! I’m glad you’re enjoying them, and just thinking is enough. Who knows what might end up created because you saw one of our prompts and thought about it! I love your reaction to this and I love the pictures, especially the tic tac toe! Thank you so much for sharing. Lyssa Mx (for Light and Shade, Tom and I do our best)