Themesong Thursday – Coral Bones

I first saw him sing at a Grass Roots Shakespeare performance…. we LOVED him… so I searched him out on social media and started following him.

Then Yesterday he released this piece of magic… and supported a cause that was already very near and dear…. forever endearing them to me!

So listen to the song… but even more importantly….

BUY SONG TO DONATE TO NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) HERE:…

I bought it… Please do the same when you can. In fact, leave a comment below and share it with your friends I will randomly select 3 peeps from the comments to purchase it for! So please share!

Only Human…

This has been one of those stuck in my head all week… I relate all too much



Upon a freaking dream!!!! LOVE this song… LOVE this remake… Cant wait for the movie!!