How to get out of cooking dinner on Valentines Day!

me:  I am going to make that Gnocchi and Veggies for dinner tonight… maybe if you are nice… I will add chicken

Mr Amazing:  Oh I am nice

me:  If you are mean… I will add spit

Mr Amazing:  maybe you could cook the chicken in a bit of chipotle and some pepper and salt and maybe some olive oil and a touch of vinegar with some water in a skillet

me:  Soooo Spit it is… got it

Mr Amazing:  Did you read what I wrote?

me:  ROTFL! Yes I did You are going to be lucky if I have time to boil the damn chicken and shred it… it is frozen… Let alone all that stuff you typed up there…

Mr Amazing: could you have Small Child put it in the fridge then defrost it then cut it up and then do what I asked?

me:  Burritos? Cold Wendys?

Mr Amazing:  Cold Wendy’s it is

me:  I am blogging that!

Mr Amazing:  Don’t blog that

me:  I am SOOOOO Way Blogging that! Im entitling it- Happy Valentines Day

Mr Amazing: What would you choose boiled spit chicken and gnocchi or cold Wendy’s?

me:  Or- How to get out of cooking dinner on Valentines day

Mr Amazing: LOL perfect

me:  I would choose “thank you so much for making me dinner after you work all day” That is what I would choose

Mr Amazing: I would choose “please don’t boil and spit on my chicken dinner”


Mr Amazing:  I am hungry This sucks


Creepy Fucking Kids making Valentines

Creepy Fucking Kids making Valentines