Spring Equinox – The Season of Equality

In Latin, equinox literally means “equal night.”

What is Equality?

Equality is not always about treating everyone the same – it is about treating people in such a way that the outcome for each person can be the same. This means putting things in place to support people to achieve similar outcomes. By not putting supports in place exclusion is usually an inadvertent result.
I honestly believe we can cure much of what’s wrong in this world if we simply supported the people around us.

Equality is not something we get to dictate any more than the Sun gets to dictate its time to the Moon…

Equality…  at least to me… means that no one is harmed or held based on the things that make them different.

Equality to me means that a person can celebrate their heritage as an African…  or a person of ANY decent or religious belief… but they do not have to suffer… blown up churches… being gunned down in churches… night clubs… schools… theaters… Police Brutality… Human Brutality….

Equality to me means that a person can understand and celebrate her sex and his gender and they can CHOOSE the kitchen or the workplace… the family or the career… or  CHOOSE both. And they can do that as a free and equal member of society.

Equality is also about choice.

Equality to me means that indigenous peoples to this land can celebrate their heritage…  and protest the injustices brought on to them by hundreds of years of a complacent population.

Equality to me means the person who is gay… or bi or pan… can marry whomever they want… and they can be equal in the eyes of the law

Equality to me means that no matter your income level… your upbringing… your location on the map… your skin color… your parents income level… that Education will be available the same to you as it is others with different privileges… HEALTH CARE TOO dammit!

I believe these things with all of my heart and soul…

Apparently I am now a seasonal blogger btw.