May the 4th be with all of us…

As I psych myself up to write this… I contemplate how many things I have had to psych myself up for already today… getting out of bed… face washed… brushing my hair… teeth… eating… my morning drive… focusing on conversations… , remembering what I have to do and in what order… and this is all before midday.

I am not good at asking for help out in the real world. … Despite days of feeling fine and genuinely happy with life and the world … More often than not lately… I find myself crying… for no apparent reason at all…. I have struggled with depression my whole life… depression would cause me to sit in my room and cry… usually for no reason at all. This is different… This is something else all together and I can’t quite title it… or put my finger on it… I can’t quite believe how much my life has changed… I cannot wrap my head around where we are right now… I cannot envision tomorrow… next week… next month seem way out of the picture.

I am not raising any alarms… I am okay guys… I am just putting into words what surely we are all feeling.

This morning I went for my drive to check on my street art project… one of the locations… the location that I know people count on the most this year… was gone. Decimated.

This morning… Ugly cried

Do you know what though? Its okay… maybe it made someone feel better to pick it up… maybe it annoyed someone… maybe it got in their way?


Today I am going to the Dentist! I get to go to the Dentist! Whoever thought I would be excited about that… it would’ve taken a Pandemic to make that happen… Luckily… we are in one.

Leaving the house on May the 4th? I’ve got just the outfit for that.

Let the Saga Continue…

Situation in numbers
Total (new cases in last 24 hours)
Globally 3 349 786 cases(82 763) 238 628 deaths (8657)