This Morning… I went to the OUTSIDE!!! (Again)

I headed out for some imaging of the previous posts mentioned thingy (it was hidden under all my Black Lives Matter stuff So YES you have to read that to find it bahahahaha)… I do not for the life of me understand people’s excuses for not wearing a mask… I mean I’m making excuses to wear em… look how adorable I am! Yep- I’m 46… and yep I love my kitty cat mask! 😹

The cute ladies in imaging burst into giggles upon sight of me… and it totally made my day… because you know… we know each other… I feel like I live here.

Meow Rawr – Dream On!! bahahahaha

Friday was an amazing day… I donated my painting to the March happening here on Juneteenth!!

Image may contain: 1 person

I let the organizer know that I didn’t want it back… that it would find itself a home after the march… and now I’m not crying… you’re crying… HUGE crocodile tears when you see who took it home and hung it on their wall

Image may contain: 1 person, tree, grass and outdoor

Then Late that evening I started getting messages… and apparently I am famous now… bahahaha I’ll be doing autographs at ten.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, screen and indoor

Okay I feel like we are pretty caught up- so lets talk pandemic again…. The numbers Globally are skyrocketing… and the one campaign promise Agent Orange 45 kept was that America would be number one again… thanks for that asshat.

Globally 8,708,008 cases 461,715 deaths (6/21/2020)

United States of America 2,208,829 cases 118,895 deaths (6/21/2020)

Medical Experts are sounding alarms… Governments are focused on reopening …. Trump wants to test less… so we do not raise numbers? yeah… its going well.

In that spirit we moved back to car adventures with the tinies… we went to the drive in Saturday… and oh man… my heart just sings everytime I see these faces.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, cloud and outdoor
I get airhugs- She gets real hugs… Ill take it!
Image may contain: 4 people, including Heather Warren, people standing and outdoor
My Tall child and her Tiny’s in her car
Image may contain: one or more people and eyeglasses
Us in ours… we don’t always wear masks… since we live together… but smallest child has been practicing some social distancing and having a social life… so we were safe for this close up photo.

The greatest part of the evening was when I taught them how to scare off bees… and had them screaming BOO BEES at the top of their lungs much to their mothers dismay.

I do not know what is next… I do not know the point of this post… I just needed to get it all out… something tells me there is going to be a lot coming at me… and I needed to be ready to deal with it… so vomiting what I am holding in my mind into the keyboard is the answer. Love and Light to you and yours 🙂